Wednesday, September 28

day twentysix: something old

saying this is old is saying i'm old...
oh well.

this is a letter my dad wrote me in july of 1984.
i keep it tucked away in a favorite book of mine that reminds me of him.
i don't even know if he realizes i still have it.

well dad, now you know.
i've kept it all these years.


Mary Nevin said...

this is so beautiful, brought tears to my eyes. thanks for sharing something so special :)

Emma Frances said...

That is so sweet! I love looking back at things like this from my parents.

rach @ paper hearts said...

What GORGEOUS handwriting! Wow...I am so envious. I have a card my dad wrote me when I was born, it's so special :) <3

Unknown said...

You never forget those kinds of moments. I remember that afternoon very well. I was on the piano in the other room playing softly so I wouldn't wake you and then I heard you cry. I was just so happy to have you in my life that when I saw how sad your tiny face was, I just wanted to make any sadness go away. And I thought about it for a while, and wrote a little poem.

And there has never been a day that passed that I have felt any different. And I love you. You are everything in the world you ought to be. And it's wonderful and beautiful. I get to be your dad.
